
One Women's Torture

She was naked, her arms and legs secured to the bedpost and mouth gagged with some neckties I found in her closet. Her muscles flexed slightly as she strained against her binds, testing their strength. I smiled and her pupils dilated wide with fear.

“I’ve got a little surprise for you”, I said mischievously.

“Um, Um, Um” she said, sounding a bit like she was hearing impaired. But I did not need a translation to discern that she was lodging an objection to any surprise I may have in store for her. I shook my head ruefully, in more noble times, women were much more appreciative of romantic gestures like surprises.

I retrieved her cell phone, and selected a number from the directory. I selected the speaker phone and placed it next to her. I removed her gag. I knelt between her legs and slowly applied my mouth to her clitoris.

“Hello, hello” her husband said over the phone.

“Ohhhh, mmmmmm, hi honey” she said, straining to contain her orgasm.

“Bastard” she mouthed to me silently.

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