excellent sequel seamless, like the same person wrote both.. i dont want to sequel it, i wanna see where you guys take it from here.. the suitcases.. i know somethings in there, money? drugs? ..
An excellent sequel, thank you. Kermitgorf, (and anyone else) please sequel or prequel this or “What Tessa Wants.” While I may add sequels and prequels to what others write, my hope with “Tessa” was to write something that would start some interplay and collaboration. “Tessa” could (I thought) even be a link for many chains – perhaps… (more…)
(…continued) …she’s leaving home in one, a drug mule in another, a singer who’s been stood up by her band, etc.; further branches might even leave Tessa behind entirely, depending on where people wanted to take things. Someone might even do a prequel to this where it’s a different Tessa that Josiah is meeting! Anything is possible! So please add to these if you feel inspired.
THX 0477 , to elaborate on my vague “excellent sequel”: I think I know this guy and have been a passenger in his car, which is great because I sorta felt that way about Tessa (even though she’s based on nobody in particular). In a short span, we already know so much about this guy and his relationship. It’s deftly done, and an honor to have been sequeled so well.
wow this is really great…like kermitgorf said, seamless between the ficlets. i can’t wait to see what the sequel is!!! but, like most ficlets, i won’t sequel because i would kill it and everyone would give me like one star and say “thx for killing it loser”. and i would be sad. :)
THX 0477
Alexa ♥
Howie Amourscow
Howie Amourscow
Howie Amourscow