The Monster in Your Eyes, Continued.
“Can’t you see, Bella? From the moment you were imagined, you’ve fantasized about the perfect man to always be there, to always be a step behind you, to always love you in every way possible. You know I don’t love you that way. I may have before, but now it’s an impossibility.”
My lip quivered and I could feel my eyes watering, tears already splashing down my shirt. I didn’t even try to stop them. He walked over and took my hands. Gently, he said, “Try to forget me. I know you can. You’ve done it before. You were made to live without me.” He chuckled lightly at his apparent joke. I didn’t find it funny in the slightest. He was a man of many emotions – but now, he was the beautiful person I always though I knew. Touching my face, he whispered, “Please. Forget me. Even now I can see the monster in your eyes.” He stepped back hesitantly, and rushed forward, out the door into the rain. I watched after him, like he knew I would. Halfway down the drive, he turned and smiled. “Take care, Bella.”