I’ve been reading these, and while I’m not sure if they are the greatest in style or writing, I really wish the whole ‘you series ruiner, they’re 13!!!!!!!’ would just stop. That’s bull. It’s quite obvious that LovedandAlone simply took the general idea of the previous story and then changed it to a story of her own. No, LovedandAlone’s character ARENOT 13 . She’s writing differently. All of the ranting and ravings is getting extreme.
I’m also getting pretty sick of the ‘ruined the series’ ones. soccerISmyLIFE could start writing again back at Lips, the story that LovedandAlone picked up. So either stop reading it, or stop commenting. Please. Because you also seem to forget that LovedandAlone is a person, and her writing isn’t horrible.
And IheartSoccer x10, just spell out Sex. Putting something other and an ‘e’ in there isn’t magically going to change the word that it is or the word that you intended it to be. Immature prat.
i think iheartsoccer x10 didn’t put the e because they probably thought it was going to get bleeped out. but yeah this series really isn’t that bad, i was just thinking that she was making 13 year olds do that, but i guess she is making a different story out of it.
Sailor Emo