Both of You (Poem)
To much emotion from both of you
Everything is either too sexual or too sensual.
Both people are so damn beautiful tho,
I like both of ya, but what should I do,
Both pressuring me with their temptation
I’m starting to confuse their individual conversation,
my inspiration from messing with both just being drained.
If they found out about each other, pain will just arise.
But I’m in love with both shades of brown colored skins,
I should have ended this before it even begin.
I have to relax & not show this confusion in my eyes,
Or i might be letting a big surprise come out.
Its only been about a week &already the pressure is growin.
I gotta keep going strong & not letting them go, not yet.
But atleast I can say to them both that you will no how I felt
When you were creepin behind my back.
See Karma is whats happening to you now, jack.
But first I got to get mine & me some candy.
Cause I love the kissing & huggin,& the cudding is all I want, but its lil 2 hard for me 2 handle rite now.