Lissa Pierce a Vampire Hunter
My legs pushed me through the forest and it’s hard floor with the unforgiving tree branches. My once clean and new jeans were now grass stained and had varous rips in them. They were beyond saving.
I could feel him chasing me and I would not let him get me, not let him taste what he wanted to taste so much, my blood. I kept running, I would not let him get me so I kept runnning.
As most things are, all of my running was in vain. His cold hands pinned me up against the tree. I had no stake. Nothing that would help me. This was supposed to be my carefree night. Why couldn’t I be left alone?
He had waited for this for a long time. He wasn’t going to just kill me. He played with me, brushing his pointed teeth against me neck, not letting me know when my end would finally come. I knew though that his fun would not last long. His blood lust was to strong. It would overpower his humor.
So, this was how it would happen.
I knew this day would come.
The day that I, Lissa Pierce, a Vampire Hunter would die.