
Darnillious D'Artes Von Neegro

Four years ago I was forced to make a decision,sink into depression or live life?
I said, “Fuck It” and went out and picked up a paint set and painted exactly what I was feeling.
I never took the formal art training, I painted anything and everything they way I saw it.
My only outlet was my Art.
This journey began and I stumbled, and went through the Up’s & Downs, loss of loved ones, odd jobs, bad choices and relationships all which helped thicken my skin. Struggles which opened my eyes and showed me a way out of the darkness.
Creating Art Is What I Do!
The freedom of an artist, the brush, the paint, the canvas and the freedom of my mind. I began to focus and gradually the dark was taken over by a passion to create, and push forward with my life .It’s this freedom which has given me the inner peace I have been searching for.
Now that I understand it, I can embrace it, and its time for me to show it.

Art is in the Soul.

This is your world,

I am just thankful that I can be part of it…

Darnillious D’artes Von Neegro

Stories (1)