

I suppose you could say that I have multiple personalities, but the only one that really matters is the one that writes. That would be the serious side, the quiet, anti-social side. But in case you were wondering, the others are what I call crazy, fun, bi-polar, hyper, party…the list goes on.

And if you were also wondering about the pen name, they really aren’t just random letters. Really, they aren’t. They are the first letters of each word in the phrase “mieux que vous jamais eu”, scrambled up, of course, but I really you rather not look up what that means. No, it isn’t sexually suggestive, what kind of person do you think I am?

Everything I write is a true story, in case you were wondering, and writing is how I get them off of my mind.

Anyway, enough talk. I guess it is customary for me to tell you that I appreciate comments, ratings, notes, and constructive criticism. Have fun reading the crazy antics of my mind.

Stories (8)