
The Ball (17)

The day of the ball the maids gathered round.
They put up her hair but it kept falling down.
Nothing would hold it, not even her crown.
They brought in the ball gown special made in the town.
So she put on the dress from Sarah’s mom’s shop.
It was silky and white and it sparkled on top.
I’m beautiful she said the maids they all stopped.
Down in the ballroom guest started to arrive.
She could hear the music playing and coaches making noise outside.
She made her way to the staircase and suddenly stopped.
The princesses were gathered and whispering in-groups.
The kings sat at tables laughing at jesters and talking about troops.
The queens all stood tall in dresses with big hoops.
As she came down the stairs they all stopped to stare.
She heard someone whisper lighter than air.
She will never find a prince not looking that way.
So very plain, homely I say.
She met prince after prince and most were quite rude.
Not a suitor among them not one that would do.

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