

The “I’m Watching” series was inspired by my stalker {“You Jerk”}

Sophia’s Story ” is for my kids, the rest is for fun.

Home alone can sometimes make you a little crazy, and sometimes you can write it down.

“Say what you want and be who you are
because those that mind don’t matter
and those who matter don’t mind”

English class = D – F so well I think you get it.
I can’t seem to get it right, so there will alway’s be something wrong with my grammar, punctuation, whatever. But I am really tring.
Not all of us graduated high school.

Struggling with my Texas slang.
( only good for western’s )
I could use all the help I can get.
So if your out there, help me!
(Please use my notes if it’s bad news).
Just telling me what the problem is want help.

If you presequel or sequel let me know.
We all like comments and ratings
Revised versions are marked with *
I stopped putting people on my contact list because theres just to many!

Stories (140)