
Half A Chance (Fake smoke)

The blonde ran to Richard side screaming.
She stopped looked at Susan, realizing she was next,
she tried to run.
Susan never blinked ” I’m sorry “ she said, shaking her head.
She pulled the trigger.
The blonde fell into the pool, pink water swirled around her body. She walked over looked down at Richard ” marry you, not if you were the last man on earth” . To bad this is for pleasure, I should be getting paid for this one.
After all removing scumb of the earth is my job.
Susan hurried into the house and located the study.
She started her search for the file, the file that held her a virtual prisoner for so long.
The pictures and names in that file would put her on “death row”, at least this way she stood half a chance.
She emptied the desk drawers out on the floor, dumped his briefcase, she trashed the room and found nothing.
She checked every room the file wasn’t there.
She opened the gates, jumped into the Porsch, smoked the tries and headed for slime ball number three.

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