

Ten teleseismographs were the first things to notice, their readouts springing to life. Simultaneously, all their feedback circuits overloaded. They understood the x-axis, the y-axis and the z-axis, but what was this w-axis information they were gathering? Their warnings were for naught, as none noticed them die.


Two global positioning systems on ships in the southern Pacific Ocean were the next to notice, followed quickly by the crewmen monitoring them. It was impossible, but there it was: a landmass at Latitude 47°9’S, Longitude 126°43’W. Where mere seconds ago there was nothingness, now there was an island.

And then the island began to move.


A thousand different people in a thousand different sanitariums in a thousand different locations took note. They all, in unison, screamed “Iä!” and refused to stop — even enduring beatings and working past strong narcotics — until their vocal cords snapped.


Then the world noticed: a cancer was spreading on it’s surface.

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