
Lilith's Plan

The Burning Bush stood silent, realizing that something was amiss in the Heavens. “What hath you done, wind-demon?” Metatron asked.

“I thought it was him who called me, I thought…”

“What hath you done?” Metatron interrupted Lilith.

“I am Lilith, the Disease-Bearer, the Wind-Spirit, the Mother of All Monsters,” she replied. “I am Shub-Niggurath, the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young. I was banished and contained, kept like a pet in a cage. In a cage!

“I am not of this earth, am not limited to it,” she continued. “You were distracted, intent on watching my Dark Young slowly reborn, spreading their own diseases and infections, you failed to notice what I was doing.”

“What hath you done!?!” Metatron screamed.

“I whispered — oh so quietly I whispered — to my brother winds in the troposphere, who passed it along to the stratosphere, then the mesosphere, and so on. Until the cosmic winds heard my command and moved things. Oh yes, I made the stars right. I made R’lyeh rise. I made Cthulhu awaken.”

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