
What the Crap was That?!

A peculiar looking person came from the shadows of a broken down shop with a yellow shirt, blue shoes, a red skirt,and no hair.

“OMG!!! IT’S A CRAZY FRIKIN LADY !!!!!!” I madly screamed.

She threw darts with poison on them, and attacked me with mad skills like Tae Kwon Do, but I was fast enough she missed each time. She finally became tired and sat down on a piece of glass….... idiot.

“What the crap were you thinkin lady?!” I screamed at her. “I was hired to kill you sonny…..and I will!” Then quickly she threw another dart with spikes on it! I swiftly dodged it.

“You lying piece of crap! Your just some crazy freak from the mental place whatever it’s called!!!” I ran away but she followed me and attacked me.

This time she had different clothes. Now, she was sporting a full ninja suit. (Maybe she knew I liked ninjas.) Strange thing was, she still had those earings.

I ran like the maniac she was.

I was knocked to the ground as some men wearing lab coats pushed by me to tackle the lady.

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