
ADD [what a twist challenge]

The doctor put down the pen he had been jotting with on a chart and said, “So, tell me, what brings you here?”
I hesitated, but he looked sincere and ready to listen so….
“I’ve been a little tired, lazy, and my leg was tingly the other night which reminds of that restless leg syndrome commercial. You know? I thought that commercial was fake the first time I saw it! I thought the little Energizer bunny would go pounding across the screen! I’ve always wondered why he was pink. I mean the bunny is strong, males are strong, but it’s pink, so is it a girl? My sister is a girl, but she doesn’t like pink at all, she likes lilac, and mint green. Reminds me of irises in my grandmother’s flower bed. My Grandmother, God Rest Her Soul, was great with flowers! But she hated chicken! She used to have to kill and pluck her own dinner on the farm! After doing that once I’d never want to eat chicken again!”
“But turkey, mmm, I do love a good…”
“I meant what is wrong with your dog, I’m the vet!”

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