
Observing Lucy

She sits in her chair beside another girl, eating a snack of Goldfish. She doesn’t speak to, nor smile at her peer. She imitates her, though. She eats, drinks, and gets up to play when her neighbor does.

Today she goes to the play kitchen. She brings plates and food to the table and to the adult watching the room, just like the other girls. The adult speaks to her and she looks at her face, but doesn’t respond. She goes back to get more plastic food and bring it to the adult, confident that this is what the adult told her to do.

Her mother comes to get her. She runs to her and is picked up in strong arms. She hugs her mother’s neck, seeming to want to forget all the activity in the room and just leave. The mother speaks with the adult, and the little girl hugs tighter. The adult attempts to say goodbye to Lucy, and only after prompted by her mother to turn and wave, does she do it. Then she quickly turns back and latches on to her mother’s neck.

I note.
Test hearing? Soc. skls. Lang. Dev. Stranger Anx?

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