
Time to Finish

That reading was ten years ago, and I guess you could say I’ve been running ever since. I managed to drift away from Lupita in that mysterious way that two lives can drift imperceptibly towards different horizons. Frankie moved, or wound up in juvie, or something. College meant escape to a different state, and then a job opportunity meant still a different state.

Not to be prideful or anything, but I think I’d done a really good job forgetting that ominous afternoon. So, in my own defense, it shouldn’t be surprising that I was nothing other than pleased that a gorgeous woman with caramel skin and hair like midnight showed up at my office building.

The secretary gave me a smirk as I tried to quell my inner adolescent male and be professional, “Welcome to Dean & Carruth, miss. How can I help you?”

Her smile was warm but somehow apologetic, “It’s time, Danny.”

Nobody called me Danny anymore, not since, “Lupita.” The name escaped my lips in a whisper.

“It’s time,” she said, “to finish the reading.”

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