
Macy 6: Goodbye Shane

The following day, Macy prepared herself for school. She covered all of Shane’s bruises; thankfully there were only two left. Once she was bundled up, she headed down the sidewalk toward school.

The first person that ran up to her was Shane’s friend, Macon. “Dude, you’re screwed.” Macy ignored him though, she hadn’t forgiven him from when he had held her down as Shane…never mind.

Then, Derrick came up and mumbled, “I’m so sorry Macy.”

She asked, “What is going on?”

“You don’t know? Shane just left for boarding school.”

“Wha-what? What do you mean he left? Left as in gone?”

“Oh my god, he didn’t say goodbye. I’m so sorry, Macy. Are you okay?” Macy dropped her backpack in the snow and sunk into it herself. “Macy?” She hugged her knees to her chest and just rocked back. “Macy are you sad?”

She shook her head. “Derrick, I’m…I’m so relieved. I’ve been torturing myself over him and its a miracle that he’s away from me.” She smiled up at the sky, today was gonna be good.

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