
Lilly's Life

“Hey Lilly, wait up!” Kate screamed.

“Sorry Kate, I was just trying to catch up to Brian,” she said, her cheeks flushed.

“Has he asked you to prom yet?” asked Kate, curious.

“No, not yet, but I’m sure he will soon,” said Lilly, not too confidently.

“I’m sure he will,” Kate screeched a little too loudly. Embarassed, she added,

“I mean, how could your own brother forget your birthday?” she said just as loud, to ward off any curious passerbys.

Lilly smiled, whispering, “Nice save.”

“Thanks, I know I’m the best. Now come on, we have some serious shopping to do!” Kate said, excited. And just like that, they were off to buy their prom dresses.

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