
Call Up

I dragged myself out the door after Young and Alex.

“How many other guys where there when you got jumped?” Alex asked in a low voice.

“When I finally got the guy off me, there was about six or seven other guys there.” I said, forcing myself to.

Young whipped out his cell phone. “I’m calling Chris.”

Chris is our “gang’s” unofficial leader. He real nice, but he is an absolute animal in rumbles.

I got out my cell phone. “I’m calling Aaron, I know the gang the jumped me, they might have a lot more than six or seven guys there. He’ll call some of his friends.”

Aaron was seventeen, he was well-liked and had a lot of friends from different crews and gangs. If we called him, there was help on the way.

We got the the street where I got jumped, met up with Aaron and his friends, and Chris was waiting for us.

Down the block, there was about twice as much guys there as I saw before, staring us down.

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