
Of Mice and Monitors

His fingers hovered above the keyboard while he stared intensely at the flickering monitor screen. Clicker made a mental note to reset the refresh rate before he left.

Sighing, his focus honing in on the very soul of the machine that grunted and sputtered while it held on to its last breath of life. Neglect and overuse were major issues but manipulation of files and folders by one who should never access that which doesn’t have the power to see beyond Gates pretty icons.

Clicker carefully coerced the computer back to its orginal state. Dust particles obliterated to nothingness and wiring harnesses shimmied into place within the shell. The harddrive shuddered before falling under hypnosis.

A breeze began flowing gently through the cooling fans. He saved all User’s files. With the abuse of the machine, the urge to “lose” them was great.

He was setting the hertz when the door opened. User smiled, “All done?” Clicker nodded, “All done.”

Clicker dialed his phone as he walked out.


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