
The Meeting in the Sun

Despite the sunny day Lighter wore no sunglasses as he basked in the glory of an edge table at the sidewalk cafe. Flimsy as it was, even his ‘Flash Gordon’ T shirt seemed like too much between him and his god, the sun.

“Hope I’m not interupting.” His darkly dressed friend shuffled into the seat across from him.

“Oh, hey Clicker. What’s new?”

Clicker shrugged, “Just did the work of ten technerds in a tenth of the time, so I’m basically 100 percent cool.”

From behind an exasperated hand Lighter remarked, “What did Cerise tell you about the math-laced self-agrandizing?”

“Whatever. She’s not even…” Clicker trailed off into mumbling before snapping back with, “How are you doing, light bulb?”

“Not bad,” Lighter offered with a shrug of his own, “I burned a hole through 3 sheets of paper today.”

“So, if we ever face a villain armored entirely in college ruled writing paper, you’re on the job!”

“Let’s just order before the others arrive, otherwise Hounder will take all day to pick.”

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