
The Macarena

“What was that all about?” Brian asked, a stern look on his face.

“Oh, just a little…. pest control problem,” Lilly said with a smile on her face.

Grinning, Brian said,
“So you ready to teach me how to dance?”

“Definitely!” Lilly exclaimed.
Both of them rushed to the dance floor.

“Ok, you’re doing good, you got it,” Lilly said calmly.

“So, like this?” Brian asked, slowly waltzing around.

“Yes, exactly,” Lilly said, a huge smile on her face. Suddenly, a familiar song played.

“Ok everybody, you know what this means! Macarena time!” the DJ announced.

“I think I got this one,” Brian said playfully.

“Oh yeah, well let’s see,” Lilly flirtilly said back.

“You’re on,” he said. By the time the song was over, neither of them had missed a beat.

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