

I looked at Sam in that moment. She was beautiful even as her eyes closed. I didn’t want her to leave, not now. Not here.

Mike: Sam!

He shook her and I calmed him. We slowed as the plane came in view. It was landing. Suddenly, Kahn jumped out.

Me: Gah!
Mike: I’m sorry Demi. I…I have to save her. I’m just…sorry.

Mike kept going and I turned slowly to face Kahn. Something about the way he looked…I knew it from somewhere…the past. And then it came back to me.

Me: Kahn no! Not now! Not right before the plane!

I tried to dogde him but he was already on top of me; he had a strong advantage. His hot breath came out in little puffs of air that blew in my face.

Kahn: Now’s a good as ever.

I writhed under him, but he already had me pinned down. I frantically tried to see the plane, to see Mike and Sam and safety, but Kahn didn’t permit me to. Instead, I was staring into his hand as it covered my face, blocking out escape.

But I wasn’t about to leave Mike for this.
No, no, no.

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