

The CFO with connections to drug lords in Colombia and weapons dealers in the Dominican Republic. He’s got his fingers in places no respectable energy company executive ought. He’s been around the block a few times.

All his incriminating evidence is stored in fragments on his personal laptop and his Linux box at home. Encrypted. Locked down. There’s also a biometric safe in his basement for his physical effects. He knows he’s protected.

But he owes Alfonso Guerrero a favor, and now the cocaine czar is cashing in. He needs a fall guy for a Buenaventura deal gone bad. The CFO isn’t stupid, he knows the backgrounds of every person on payroll, in detail, from big to little.

For instance, last month he hired a cleaning lady with a PhD in Computer Science, for crying out loud. Things like that don’t happen by accident. If he plays his cards right — and he always does — curiosity will have to kill the cat. Business as usual.

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