
Identity Crisis (out-of-order challenge)

“Unit 56” the dispatcher’s nasally voice crackled over the CB.
“56” I responded.
“Accident on the Interstate, Eastbound, mile marker 44, multiple victims.”
“Copy.” We turned on the lights and siren and sped our patrol car around toward I-19.

When we arrived on the scene, smoke was pouring out of both mangled vehicles. A semi trailer was blocking one lane of the road, while a fire truck, barely arriving ahead of us, blocked the other and was emitting firemen as well as water.

The semi driver crawled out and was tended to by EMTs. A car was upside down in the median, four people inside. Someone in the back was wailing. The driver in the front was very bloody and not moving.

Two people were pulled from the wreckage within minutes, each with something broken. The third passenger and the driver required the jaws of life to remove. The driver hadn’t responded.

Two IDs were recovered, one to a brunette, 23, 5’4”, 120 pounds. And the other to a brunette, 22, 5’3”, 115 pounds. One of those two were driving.

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