
Sweet Oblivion

While Prandi and Sassy were sizing each other up at the Houdini Bar, Becca and Paul were drifting off into sweet oblivion. The Margaritas had taken their toll, their attempts at foreplay dashed before Paul could even get to first base.

They got as far as Paul’s living room couch where their kisses quickly dissolved into yawns.

“Oh my God, I am so sleepy,” Becca said in a slurred voice.

“Hey baby, Mr. Sandman can wait! You’ve got a date with the Love Man!” Paul sat down next to her and kissed her neck but his amorous foray was halted when he began yawning uncontrollably. “OK, maybe just a nap,” he said as he stretched out next to Becca, spooning her.

As Becca drifted off to sleep, she couldn’t get the picture of Jameson’s face out of her head. He was smiling in her mind, his blue eyes happier than she’d ever seen them. But she knew, somehow, that his smile wasn’t meant for her – it was meant for another girl. Before she could chase that disconcerting thought any further, Becca sank into a fitful sleep.

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