
Bring In The Next [Unconventional Zen Master Challenge]

Haggard by more years than a mortal frame was ever intended to endure, Master Ho Zi sat slumped on his chair. The air in the meditation chamber lay oppressively upon him, torturing his lungs with each breath.

“Bring in the next,” he whispered. With a bow his attendant, a half-blind eunuch with a traditional shaved head exited. After a moment that could have been an eternity, the servant returned with a bright-eyed acolyte.

The servant retired, walking backwards reverentially. The potential successor knelt dutifully. The master sighed.

“You have been chosen to receive the light that is not light, the truth that is not truth.”

“Yes, master,” came his hushed reply. The master only closed his eyes and willed the light to leave his body. A flickering of white slipped from his mouth and darted for the new vessel.

In a flash, the younger man was consumed, leaving only ashes.

The light returned to Master Ho Zi who opening his sad eyes whispered again, “Bring in the next.”

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