
The Marty McFly Factor

The first time you watch yourself disappear it takes your breath away. Well, actually, what takes your breath away is the sensation that overpowers you while ‘present’ you is being converted into either ‘past’ or ‘future’ you.

I knew there were better things I could be doing with my time, but to be brutally honest, it had been fifteen years and I still couldn’t get Lisa out of my head. I felt I owed it to both of us to relive that night even if that did mean disrupting sexual darwinism.

I let everything fall into place as it had right up until the moment when Lisa and Val made their approach.

“What’s that?” Lisa asked. “It smells like Christmas.”

This time when Skyler returned I took the bull by the horns, steering the course of history. “So, did you score enough weed for the four of us, bro?” I asked, cringing on the word ‘bro’. Did we really used to talk like that?

Skyler simply said. “Let’s get messed up.”

Everything was fixed, or so I thought. Turns out time has a real twisted sense of humor.

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