
Julian's Last Assignment

Trazelli thought for a long time over this new development. It would be terrible to lose Julian, his best assassin.

He called Julian from his secure line. It was almost 2 AM.

“I’m afraid they’ll figure it out, man. They’ll find out you are working for me and they’ll find out the overdose was intentional.”

Julian thought about the meaning behind those words. They’ll find out I killed her. I’ll be in prison the rest of my life.

“I need to keep my secrets safe. Between you and me. First go burn down that orphanage, then go get the girl. Make it all accidental.” click

Julian sank back onto his bed. This could be his final assignment. If he got caught, he would go to prison, and if he succeeded, Trazelli would kill him. He knew too much, was the only one left who knew anything. He was certain his days with Trazelli were coming to a close. He’d seen it all before.

He puzzled over how to do it. How to set the fire, how to capture the girl, and what to do to save his own skin.

He couldn’t go back to sleep.

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