
Mariana's Good Morning

Even going grocery shopping every Sunday, Mariana was always on edge. Try as she might, the thought of the mob after her husband was always at the back of her mind. If he were still alive, and still owed them big time, they could come after her.

Not only that, but if he were alive, he might come after her. For better or worse.

The first couple of years after she left him, she thought she saw him everywhere. She spent a lot of time worrying about him and looking into faces for his.

But as time passed she relaxed and began taking Angelica out more often, to more public places. Last year she was given a day off to take her to the fair.

Today she socked away some of the extra money her boss had given her, and decided to spend some enjoying the zoo and maybe a movie later with her daughter.

“Angelica? Get up! We’re going to have fun today!” She shook her little shoulder.
Bleary eyes blinked and were rubbed by little fists. “Morning Mom!” she yawned. “Where are we going?”

“How about the Zoo?”

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