
Eva Upsets Annette

I took Annette to the coffee shop on the corner. She ordered a sandwich and sticky bun. I just had a flavored tea.

“I didn’t have breakfast.” She mumbled apologetically.
“Morning sickness?”
“Yeah. Wait. How’d you know?”
“Oh, honey. I can tell. It’s a glow!” I lied. “Are you going to keep it?”
“Yeah, I mean, I did think about not.. but I always wanted one, ya know?”
“No. I never want one.”
“Oh.” There was an awkward pause and Annette started eating for lack of something to do.

“I asked you here to talk about the future.”
“Oh! I am going to work right up until I’m due! I’ll be gone maybe 3 weeks, tops!” Annette promised. “I have vacation time if the company doesn’t offer maternity leave..”
“Not with the company, I meant with me. I know this is forward, but I have this feeling you like me, and Jake, well, he’s no family man! But this new development. I’m just not sure it would work out.. for any of us.”
“You think I should give it up?”
“I have a friend, been trying to adopt for years…”
“No! This is MY baby!”

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