
Apprehension Before Apprehension

Kugabe Ltd. Building
Khartoum, Sudan
December 24th, 2008 – 4 Hours Later

Captain Seymour led his team up to the back of the building quickly and quietly, Sudanese dust puffing up every time one of them made a step. The sun was almost unbearable out of the States. Seymour wiped his brow and motion with his hand. The team surrounded a back door.

Seymour checked the door, expecting it to be locked. It swung open easily. He frowned – apparently this guy was serious about giving them the chance to stop him.

The other five fanned out through the doorway, assembling at the bottom of the stairway. One by one, in dead silence, they followed each other up the steps, against the wall, always looking up.


…Floor 2…

…Floor 3. A long hallway stretched out before them, dirty concrete and old doors. This place was abandoned.

Doors crept by as the team stalked down the hallway, sub machine guns at the ready. 318, 319, 320 -


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