
The "Make Me Hungry for Teen Drama Contest" Contest! {Yeah Write's first ever!!}

This goes far beyond high school drama. Beyond cheerleaders and jocks and geeks and freaks and the occassional kid-next-door narrator. This permeates the teen drama genre. This is a story about love and hate, peace and war, and choosing the lesser of two evils. This is (dramatic pause) a ficlets contest!

I want you (said Uncle Sam) to write a story about high school! But, my fellow ficleteers, it must mention atleast one member of (or the name of the group itself) all 6 food groups: grains, meats, fruits, veggies, dairy, and fat/oils (all the stuff we love). And it must not be set at lunch time!

Any one can enter as many times as they would like, due to the fact that this is my first contest and possibly few will enter! There will be first, second, and third place and honorable mentions with Stovohobo-worthy titles (hopefully)! Anyone can vote by sending me a note! Vote for whatever story you want (especially your own!)! Challenge ends on September 24th! Have fun and be clever! (or else) Thank You!

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