

I may not know alot
But I know who I am
I am pro-choice
I am not Liberal
I am also not Conservative

I believe in gods
But I’m not sure about God

Good people do bad things
And bad people do good things
I believe the world is more then White and Black

I believe that only you can make choices for you
No one else can
No matter what they say
No Matter what they do
They can not control you

I beleive in love
And if you can find it
It shouldn’t matter who you share it with

I beleive in Hope and Faith
And that there is no wrong religion
Only what other people veiw it as

But the most important thing I believe
Is that I believe in the world
And if only Hope, Acceptance, Faith and Love were aspects
Everyone understood
I wouldnt just Believe in the world
But in a better world

I believe there is still hope
You dont have to believe in my religous, and political veiws
All I need you to do is
Just to believe…

Stories (22)