Homework (part4)
I simply don’t think it’s fair.
I took the map, and slid it into my binder, still resenting the ones who run schools. I shut my binder, shoved it into my backpack, laid down on my bed, and looked over at the clock on my nightstand.
“4:47 am,â? I thought, “That’s a new record.â? My eyelids slowly shut themselves, as I was swept away from the damaged world I live in today, filled with what can only be described as pollution.
Our world is polluted with various evils, which are slowly, but surely, taking over. Once our eyes are closed, it’s like we leave that world, and enter a world ideally perfect to each individual.
I myself don’t dream, but at least I feel that strong absence of evil.
If there’s one thing I learned at school, it’s that two negatives make a positive. Once my eyes were closed, I saw darkness, but the darkness of the world evens it out.