This was certainly not meant as an affront to anyone. I’m simply expressing an experience I had today. That is a huge part of writing, no? We all have our opinions.
I’d hate to meet the person who finds this offensive. I could argue a point or two, but I wouldn’t be offended ;-) Lovely little thought, that I will counterpoint in sequel, not to offend or say I really disagree, but just to play devil’s advocate.
Responding to your comments on my sequel, you’re absolutely right, and I knew it all along. We muck up a lot of things with our industry. I just liked the challenge of creating a point of view where the opposite final statement would have a logical foundation, at least within the character’s experience. Isn’t writing fun?!
very deep and philisophical Stovo. When you look at any season in nature, how can anyone say there is No God. your insightful and a great writer in any genre.
beautiful. I happen to agree with you, I love Autumn and it does sound so much better than “fall” does. Great description here. Oh, and some of those quotes on your profile cracked me up.
Batak Beatrix
THX 0477
emma jo_234
THX 0477
emma jo_234