
The Marked 11

“You shame yourself, raising your hand to a woman, are you a man or a beast?”The man said tightly holding Kane’s arm who then quickly pulls away.
“Why don’t you go outside and cool off..”
Kane frowned looking at Michelle then back to the man, “The hell I care..”
He pushed his way through the crowd slamming the door as he left, Michelle sighed pulling her hair back over her ears.
“No need to thank me,are you alright?”
“Yea, I’m fine..”
“Hey you finally made it.” a voice said from behind.
Michelle spun around to look,
“Test finally!”
“Hey girl, suprised you showed,”Test said hugging her.
“Uh hello.. where were you, I just almost got my ass kicked by some prison reject?”
“Don’t worry,I had you covered, I want you to meet someone, this is boyfriend.”

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