The Marked 12
“Your Vincent…ok, thank you Vincent for saving me.”Michelle blushed
“Not at all, think nothing of it.” he said smiling.
“Well don’t just stand there V, my girl’s had a hard night get her a drink.” Test interrupted
Vincent smiled as he backrolled over the bartop landing flat on his feet,”And what will we be having this evening?”
“Bacardi please.” Michelle answered.
“Na na, make that two cherrybombs!” Test interrupted again.
“Two cherrybombs coming up!” Vincent said as he quickly flipped the bottles into the air swinging them over his shoulders as he poured the drinks, Michelle looked on, her eye’s abit widen, her lips slightly parted. After his grand filially he placed two napkins under the cups and pushed them toward the girls.
“Lady’s..” he smirked
“You gotta learn to live a little.” Test smiled taking her cup from the table,with a giggle Michelle did the same.
“Now don’t wuss out on me you ready?” Test asked teasingly
Michelle turned facing Test holding her glass up.
“I’m ready.”