

Tom…...........................................................................................................................................Or my parents.
or my parents.
my parents.
I layed the pills out in front of me. Some were Tom and some were my parents. None of them were me. This wasn’t like me. I don’t give up thissss easily.
But I am.
I swallowed two Toms and three parents.
My heartbeat accelerated.
I took a handful more and it felt like swallowing a rock.
I was almost happy. I mean..
tom, mom, and dad,
i love you. all of you. i can’t choose who to give up on. so i am giving up on both. i love you so please don’t be sad or follow my horrible example. live for me. love for me. and breathe, breathe for me.
almost gone,

what starts in a note.. ends in note. I smiled, but the pills were already pulling me under.

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