Amazing writing…especially love the colors paragraphs…the simple sentences add a really powerful tone to it. I love it, especially the ‘bring forth the red’ line.
You had me at, “his mortal dream has begun to bore me” BTW – only true criticism I can offer is that I like the way this ficlet is formatted. It’s formatted for a friendly and engaging read. Some of your earlier stuff was eloquently written, but suffered from “ran together” words. You are a talented writer, and I only offer that advice to encourage your talent….
I was just reading your “About the Author” section – loved the words “Shadows on a Dungeon Wall” – inspiring and thought provoking, given the context in which you wrote the phrase…
Somehow I get the feeling you’re going to write a lot of ficlets here, and this site is going to turn into something very incredibly cool…
it’s not as….well vocabularly endowed…but i like it and i hope everyone else does
what I want to know is – how come you can twist my thoughts and my ideas into a better story than i can?!?! damn you THX ; you good-writer-guy you that’s why i’m glad i’m sequeling with you – at least i know that will give my ficlets half the chance of being read LOL
Batak Beatrix