
Zombie Mowdown

N555Champ wrote this story, accidentally on Stovohobo’s account at the time.

Stevey’s eyes watered, Greg’s nose crinkled. They were either a little freaked out about the fact that we were mowing down zombies with chainsaws, machetes, and axes or they were just disgusted by the smell. My legs kicked two back as I decapitated one with my saber and seperating another’s lower body with its upper body with a clean slash from my second saber. See, unlike my friends, who were inexpierenced at doing this sort of thing, I had done it for a long time. I was a Zombie Killer, born and breed. I could change forms so that I could convince others to join. I travelled to what ever galaxy,country, or neighborhood that was having a zombie problem. I killed them, I would kill them all.

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