

Into the police station walked a man with a drowsy look in his eyes, recent bloodstains covering his shirt.
He walked to the counter where an alarmed police sergeant asked,” Sir, what happened to you?”

“I…I think I killed someone,” the sleepy looking man replied.

After the man’s lawyer arrived, he was interrogated by Captain Lee.

‘Sir, do you really expect us to believe that you don’t remember killing your in-laws?,” The Captain said, unconvinced of the mans’ story so far. “I mean come on ,sleepwalking, it’s absurd, I don’t think it’s even a real disorder.”

“I beg to differ Captain, Parasomnia is a recognized disorder,” said the mans’ lawyer, “In Canada two men were acquitted of murder charges because they were unaware of their actions during the committing of the crimes they were accused of.”

Later in his holding cell, with unfocused eyes the man tried in vain to get through the bars of his cell.

“I think he made the whole thing up”, the Captain muttered.
But was afraid to wake the man up.

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