*o* Allelujah! Allelujah! My 100th Ficlet! My 100th Ficlet! Allelujah!!
Yesssss!! Finally!!! I’ve broken a hundred!!! You have no clue how hard this was for me. It was like every ficlet closer to a hundred, the harder it got to think up anything.
Okay, so I just found out I am possibly bipolar, or at least have some moderate bipolar qualities. So, my challenge is this:
Pick a disorder, and write a ficlet about someone with that disorder (sort of like my ‘Tying My Shoes’.) But that’s not all!! In the ficlet, I want you to give a persuadable reason or two of why this disorder should actually not be considered a disorder. For instance, bipolar people have a decreased need for sleep, and when they don’t get any, they get really hyper and talkative. Sadly, that is the epitomy of my sleep-deprived life.
PLEAAAASE enter!!! I detest feeling like a dismal failure.
On your mark…get set…GO!!
(fires gun)