And now I have names for my fears! Excellent!~Deipnophobia – Fear of dining or dinner conversations
Sveet! I loved it!
Funny little family dynamic…like your typical post-college family fight with better vocabulary.
I loved this totally typical of college kids nowadays…im lead to believe…and the mums last sentence was classic! thanks for FINALLY entering ;)
I loved this
totally typical of college kids nowadays…im lead to believe…and the mums last sentence was classic!
thanks for FINALLY entering ;)
Haha, I love this entry. Fits the challenge, and yet is scarily realistic.
Are you saying college graduates are useless?!?! Gasp I um..yeah currently living on my daddy’s credit card hides in shame
Are you saying college graduates are useless?!?!
Gasp I um..yeah currently living on my daddy’s credit card hides in shame
This was great. Funny. (BTW, when can get a five-star from Laine, you’ve done pretty well!)
LOL . (Do i say that to much?) That was great!
sounds so realistic, great job
Congrats on getting featured, Kermit! * cyber-applause *
love it, very funny
Well done, Kermitgorf! After all of the great vibes you’ve sent out, it’s just karma coming back to reward ya. Congrats!
Yippee your a winner…..only winners get featured!!!
Thanx evreyone!
Hilarious. Its like the Cleaver family meets the Fischer family from “Six Feet Under”.
Corky Givengibbs-best name ever award
hilarious…loved the refernces to phobias…this ficlet was kind of like a 50’s dinner scene (to me ) with a twist~congrats on getting featured too!maybe you could send some of those good vibes to me? jk
how does it fell to have more than 450 ppl readining this dang………….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alexa ♥
Laine the Grey
THX 0477
Batak Beatrix
Lone Writer
emma jo_234
Lone Writer
N555champ /\and/\ X-Ninja
Insert Pen Name Here
Blondie Babe