So, everyone is still looking for tiggerstripn2 to jump in on the fun. Love the explanation—big Kermit fan here (um, the muppet and the ficleteer, so there). But don’t expect me to call you Kermie any time soon.
Very enlightening. Of course, seeing your name, one would have certain allusions towards our green friend, but it was never confirmed until now. I like it.
omg! i NVR thought of tht! hahhhhhhhhahha =] actaully, no. when i first saw ur name i had a mini thought about kermit da frog, but i like how u put it like kermit gorf thts cool. =] very.. thought out? idk how to describe it
sweet. gorf was one of my favorite video games growing up. A bit (okay, really) antiquated now, but actually it’s pretty fun. Easily find it in retro arcades or a mame machine.
THX 0477
Lone Writer
One Time, One Chance