
Honorable Mention cont'd.

Laine P. Grey gets the—oh, you thought I was going to say “Average Awardâ€?, didn’t you? Well, ha, M[(r)(s)]. Smarty-Pants, I proved you wrong with the The End Award, named for her unexpected and powerful finishing line. No doubt, Laine appreciates this title (SoUE…)

Kermitgorf’s “Online Romance: The ‘Date’â€? is a perfect fit for the eHarmony Award! No one likes those stupid commercials, but the actual date has to be exactly how he described it! Right? I wouldn’t know. =) Also, his follow-up on “Toliverâ€? gets the Quirky Character Award, made all the more enigmatic because he’s based off a real person.

YodaOnCrack never ceases to impress, and now he’s walking away the Forbidden Love Award for his efforts. What happens when a mortal and a demon fall in mushy, ooey-gooey love? Read the frikkin’ story.

Blueyedwonder obtains the Sugarbun Award, for her drastic improvement from the first ficlet. So maybe sugarbuns don’t have to do with that, but they sound awesome and they were in the story.

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