
A Case Resolved


And so the case was resolved with our trip back to Mrs. Widmeyer’s place. As it turned out, all Uncle Louie wanted was a plane ticket to Australia, which he thought he could get as ransom for the wallaby.

Lucky the wallaby, as Uncle Louie said, is now back with Mrs. Widmeyer, Perry is back to eating junk food, Wendall is looking for new crimes, and Uncle Louie, well, he thinks that he’s on an airplane to Australia. He can’t read very well…boy will he be surprised when he ends up in Antarctica! Mrs. Widmeyer’s heart was broken at the thought that Uncle Louie was leaving her, so she really is going to Australia…And me, well, I’m just waiting to see what happens next.

The Polka Dots are now officially disbanded, although they do have one hit single—if you listen to the right station, sometimes you can hear it playing…”The Tuna Sandwich Song.”

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