Nice angle – I’m not sure I’d even thought all the way through the subjective effects of War’s stunt on a vet like Blake vs. someone like Simon. Beautifully done.
In fact, I really hadn’t thought through the consequences… that’s one of the things I love about this whole place: the way you might toss an idea out there and someone else sees a really, really cool dimension to it that you would have never perceived, making an okay idea into an awesome idea. Thank you!
Oohhh, back-story! I love back-story! You don’t know how frustrating it is for me to sit here at work, read a brilliant ficlet like this which sets off a chain reaction of ideas and connections in my brain, and realize i won’t be able to sequel it for at least eight hours. I guess I could always skip lunch, or feign an illness…
Well, Howie, you actually have Tarzan to thank for the vet thing. I never thought of Blake as a veteran, but then Tarzan had Simone mention that Blake was a mercenary (another thing I wouldn’t consider him), but she’s all knowing so I rolled with it. Most mercs are war vets, so Nam seemed appropriate. He probably was one of those underage kids that went over (after lying about their age) and got f’d for life. It actually works for Blake, kinda.
Howie Amourscow
Howie Amourscow
Crown Me Tarzan, King of Mars
Alexa ♥