Alright, this bit of nastiness is the last one for a little while. No, I haven’t forgotten the hell gate – there just wasn’t room for it. It’s still there, and bad things still approach. And no, I haven’t forgotten the importance of names: Simone still hasn’t been bound and banished.
I agree with Alec. Excellent work. I don’t think Lovecraft himself could have come up with a more frightening description of monstrous female genitalia. And that dude was super-scared of poon-tang.
Is it strange that I find Simone even sexier now? :P
Yes, that ranks up there with some of the vile, disgusting descriptors I’ve ever read. At least, though, she didn’t have smegma oozing out of her. >>shudders<<
“I really did not need to see that,â? Alec said —Yeah, I didn’t need to imagine it either. {shivers}. But I’m kinda happy that Alec is still alive-ish. He’s kinda fun.
“Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.” I looked up gug too. Not really that bad, I’ve seen worse (and imagined worse from your story)
Howie Amourscow
Howie Amourscow
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Alexa ♥
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